Welcome to my website
A lot of stuff happens over the long journey of life. Along my journey, by the grace of God and with his abundant help, I’ve had the enormous privilege and blessing of studying and teaching the Bible in a variety of churches and institutions in the UK and around the world, been entrusted with leadership in several different agencies, and have written a few books over the years.
The results of all this work have got rather scattered over the decades, especially since my career began with handwritten notes stored in ring binders (mostly now in the attic), then a manual typewriter (remember them?), a rather fancy electric typewriter, eventually a clunky Amstrad computer and floppy disks, and finally several generations of Apple desktops and laptops that travelled the world with me.
The books also metamorphosed over the years, with new editions, fresh covers, different publishers, and so on. Meanwhile, YouTube had bits of me (some not so flattering) scattered across its vast landscape, and my grandchildren were amused to discover I even had a Wikipedia page (thank you, whoever did that). In short, I was pretty fragmented.
This website pulls it all together – most of what I’ve said, taught, preached, or written over the years all in one place, including some I’d forgotten about myself. Unlike Bono from U2, I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Welcome, and thanks for visiting!
PS. Why the full Christopher J H bit, since everybody knows me as Chris? Well it turns out there are some other very fine Chris Wrights out there, including some authors. The UK tax authorities once got our royalties mixed up, so from then on I use the full name my parents inflicted on me. I’ve not come across another CJHW yet…
PPS. This is not a blog. I don’t have brilliant thoughts every morning to share with the world, or time to engage with chatty comments and responses. But I will be posting news of new projects or books from time to time, so please sign up for my mailing list at the top of the page.
Visit the Official Chris Wright YouTube channel at @ChristopherJ.H.Wright and view the main video gallery here.
Mailing List
Since 2001, Chris Wright has worked for Langham Partnership, first as International Director and more recently as Global Ambassador.
Langham believes that every church deserves a well-equipped pastor. 80% of pastors in the Majority World lack any formal training, therefore Langham's mission is to equip pastors around the world to preach God's Word because this is how God changes lives and communities.
All the royalties from Chris's books published since 2001 are assigned to Langham Partnership for the work of Langham Literature.