Meet Chris

Hello! Thanks for dropping by. It’s possible we may have met already since God has enriched my family’s life with so many friends around the world. But if not, the biography below tells you a lot more than you really need to know. Sorry it’s a bit formal and third person, but that’s how these things work apparently.

Behind it lies a wee Belfast boy whose story I owe entirely to the loving forgiveness and grace of God. It’s more about Him than me. As it should be, and I’m thankful. Soli Deo Gloria (that’s Latin for, To God alone be the glory). And I should add, I owe more of it than we’ll ever know to half a century of loving patience and support from my dear wife, Liz.

About Christopher J. H. Wright

Rev. Dr. Christopher J. H.  Wright was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1947, the son of missionary parents, and nurtured as an Irish Presbyterian. After university in Cambridge, he started his career as a schoolteacher at Grosvenor High School, Belfast. Then, after completing a doctorate in Old Testament economic ethics in Cambridge, he was ordained in the Anglican Church of England in 1977 and served as an assistant pastor in the Parish Church of St. Peter & St. Paul, Tonbridge, Kent.

In 1983, he and his family went to India and he taught at the Union Biblical Seminary (UBS), Pune for five years as a mission partner with Crosslinks (formerly BCMS). While at UBS he taught a variety of Old Testament courses at BD and MTh levels.

In 1988 he returned to the UK as Academic Dean at All Nations Christian College (an international training centre for cross-cultural missions). He was then appointed Principal there in 1993.

In 2001 Chris was appointed International Director of the Langham Partnership International. Langham Partnership, a group of ministries originally founded by John Stott, is committed to the strengthening of the church in the Majority World through fostering leadership development, biblical preaching, literature and doctoral scholarships. Chris is still with Langham Partnership and currently serves as their Global Ambassador and Ministry Director (

In the year before and after the third Lausanne gathering, held in Cape Town in 2010, Chris was appointed the chair of the Lausanne Theology Working Group.

The Cape Town Commitment was released in 2011 and can be read at

Chris and his wife, Liz, who have four adult children and eleven grandchildren, belong to All Souls Church, Langham Place, London, where Chris enjoys preaching from time to time as a member of the Staff team.

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